On April 24-25, the Interregional Round Table “Library as the Center of Intercultural and Interethnic Interaction” was held in the National Library of the Chuvash Republic under the chairmanship of Irina Chadnova, Head of the Section of the Russian Library Association, the leading researcher of the Department of Interlibrary Cooperation with Russia and CIS countries, the Russian State Library.
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The Round Table was organized by the Ministry of Culture, Ethnic Affairs and Archiving of the Chuvash Republic, the National Library of the Chuvash Republic, the Russian Library Association.
About one hundred library specialists from Moscow, Mary El, Tatarstan, Chuvashia, Ulyanovsk and Nizhny Novgorod regions became participants of this professional event.
The main report “Directions of Activities of Public Libraries in Multicultural Environment: Current State and Prospects” was made by the head of the RBA section Irina Chadnova.
During the round table, 13 reports were made, which present the best Russian library practices aimed at development of intercultural dialogue, identification of problems and development of common approaches to the implementation of ethno-cultural activities.
The colleagues shared their experience of work with national minority cultural associations, spoke about the role of the library in developing the ethno-cultural potential of the region, presented innovative forms of the library’s activities on intercultural and interethnic interaction. The representatives of the National and Cultural Autonomy of the Tatars of Cheboksary, the regional branch of the All-Russian Public Organization “All-Russian Azerbaijan Congress”, the ethno-ecological complex “Yasna”, the regional branch of the Guild of Interethnic Journalism participated in the professional dialogue.
After the break, the participants of the round table met at master classes: they recalled several periods of the history of Russia and listened to the beautiful romances of the Orthodox etude “… Saint Mary protects Russia” performed by the employees of the centralized library and club systems of the Mariinskiy Posad District of the Chuvash Republic. The employees of the centralized library system of the Cheboksary district of the Chuvash Republic together with the Centralized Club System presented the traditional Chuvash Easter rite.
The professionals became acquainted with the innovative form of literary communication – literary karaoke. And also with one of the newest forms of work with the readers of the National Library of the Chuvash Republic – literary quests.
On April 25, an off-site meeting of the interregional round table took place in the ethnoecological complex “Yasna” located 28 km from Cheboksary in the Cheboksary district of the Chuvash Republic. The director of the complex Marina Fedorova led an exciting ethno-journey for library specialists. The librarians were particularly interested in the story about interactive forms of work with children in the ethnographic complex “Yasna”.
Summing up the results of the two-day work, the round table participants stressed the necessity of active development of ethno-cultural activities aimed at establishing intercultural and interethnic harmony and mutual understanding in the Russian society; development of intercultural dialogue through joint projects, researches, conferences, meetings, implementation of innovative programs. The information, cultural and educational potential of libraries can and should be used to promote ideas of the unity of the Russian nation, ethno-cultural diversity and interethnic tolerance.
Written by Yelena Gorokhova, tel. 23-02-17, ext. 136