On October 9, a solemn meeting dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the day of founding of the People’s Republic of China and the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and China was held at the National Library of the Chuvash Republic. The Soviet Union became the first country that acknowledged the PRC the very next day after its proclamation on October 1, 1949.
The organizers of the event are the Chuvash regional branch of the Interregional Public Organization «Russia-China Friendship Association», I. Ya. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University and the National Library of the Chuvash Republic.
The participants of the event – specialists of educational andculturalinstitutions, students, business representatives, public organizations of Cheboksary – were greeted by the chairman of the Chuvash regional branch of Interregional Public Organization «Russia-China Friendship Association», rector of I. Ya. Yakovlev CSPU Igor Kozhanov; the first Deputy Minister of Culture, NationalitiesandArchives of theChuvashRepublicTatyanaKazakova; Alexander Pogodeykin, Manager of theCheboksarybranch of the Representative Office of the Ministry of ForeignAffairs of RussiainNizhnyNovgorod. The speakersrecalledthecenturies-long,deep,friendlyrelations between RussiaandChina, the currentlevel of development of cultural and economiccooperation between the twocountries, and theexperience of successfulcooperation between ChuvashiaandChinain the fields of education,art,healthcare, and informationtechnology.
Reviewreports were madeby:DeputyChairman of the «Russia-China Friendship Association»,ChiefResearcher of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences,Doctor of Economics,Professor,DeputyChief Editor of the journal«Problems of the FarEast»AndreyOstrovsky,who marked the features of the Chinesemodel of the economyin the historicalcontext;HonoredWorker of Culture of the ChuvashRepublic,director of the museum«BichurinandModernity»IrinaUdalova, who spokeabout the greatcontribution of NikitaYakovlevichBichurin, a native of Chuvashia, father of Iakinf, to thedevelopment of Russian-Chineserelations; MikhailKondratiev,ChiefResearcher at the ChuvashStateInstitute of Humanities,Doctor of Art History,Professor,HonoredArtist of the RussianFederationand the ChuvashRepublic, sharedwith the audience the memories of hisfatherGrigoryIlyichKondratiev, who was on abusinesstriptoChina for threeyears(1951-1953). The storyofGrigoryIlyich’s participation in the construction of the ChineseChangchunRailwayand the signing of an agreementon the gratuitoustransfer of the CER to Chinaformedthebasis of the book«MyMemories»,whichcan be found in the NationalLibrary of the ChuvashRepublic.
The original exposition developed by the library specialists became an indelible impression for the guests of the solemn meeting. In the improvised carriage of the fast train No. 20/24 «Russia – China», the participants made an exciting journey into the history of the origin and development of relations between the two countries. The tour of the six thematic sections, presented in the form of real compartments, impressed those present with their creative approach and rich information content. All interested parties will be able to visit the exhibition train «Russia – China: Dialogue of Cultures» at the National Library of the Chuvash Republic until December 25, 2024. Travel is free!