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Литературоведение Великобритании
1. |  | англ. 83.3(4ВЕЛ) N52 И-12150 (ИНО)
Of the New Pelican Guide to English Literature / edited by Boris Ford. - Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1982 - 1983. Vol. 1, part 2 : Medieval Literature: the European Inheritance. - 1983. - 622 p. - Index: p. 615-622. - 3.39 р.
Notwithstanding that the New Pelican Guides to English Literature are devoted to the English tradition, it seemed an attractive and valuable idea to include a new volume on medieval European literature which would complement the volume on English medieval literature. For while many of these English writers were concerned to create their own vernacular literature, they were familiar with, and often indebted to, their European contemporaries. This volume then constitutes a useful and enriching companion to Part One and includes essays on Beowulf, The Song of Roland, Njal’s Saga, The Decameron and Rabelais as well as an anthology of medieval literature in the vernacular. | 2. |  | англ. 83.3(4ВЕЛ) N52 И-12148 (ИНО)
Of the New Pelican Guide to English Literature / edited by Boris Ford. - Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1982 - 1983. Vol. 4 : From Dryden to Johnson. - 1982. - 527 p. - Index: p. 511-527. - 2.87 р.
The fourth volume of The New Pelican Guide to English Literature covers the period from Dryden to Johnson. It begins with a survey of the social context of English Literature during this period, followed by a survey of the literature itself, much of it literature of the Augustan Age. The rest of the book is made up of a series of essays dealing in detail with Dryden, Swift, Pope; the Essayists, the novelists Defoe, Richardson, Fielding, Smollett and Sterne; Goldsmith, Johnson, etc. There are also essays on Hogarth, and eighteenth-century architecture and planning. Finally the volume contains an appendix of biographies and bibliographies. | 3. |  | англ. 83.3(4ВЕЛ) N52 И-12147 (ИНО)
Of the New Pelican Guide to English Literature / edited by Boris Ford. - Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1982 - 1983. Vol. 5 : From Blake to Byron. - 1982. - 429 p. - Index: p. 417-429. - 3.16 р.
This fifth volume of The New Pelican Guide to English Literature covers the period from William Blake to Lord Byron. It begins with an account of the social and intellectual context of English literature during the Romantic period, followed by a survey of the literature itself. The rest of the book is made up of a series of essays dealing in detail with Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Crabbe, Keats, Shelley, Byron, Jane Austen, Scott, and the Essayists. Finally the volume contains an appendix or biographies and bibliographies. | 4. |  | англ. 83.3(4ВЕЛ) N52 И-12146 (ИНО)
Of the New Pelican Guide to English Literature / edited by Boris Ford. - Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1982 - 1983. Vol. 6 : From Dickens to Hardy. - 1982. - 527 p. - Index: p. 517-527. - 3.39 р.
This sixth volume of The New Pelican Guide to English Literature covers the period from Dickens to Hardy. It begins with an account of the social and intellectual context of English literature during the Victorian period, followed by a survey of the literature itself. The rest of the book is made up of a series of essays dealing in detail with Dickens, Thackeray and Trollope, the Bronte sisters, George Eliot, Carlyle and Ruskin, three autobiographical novelists (Rutherford, Gissing, and Butler), Tennyson, Browning, Matthew Arnold, G.M. Hopkins, and others. There are also two essays on Victorian architecture. Finally the volume contains an appendix or biographies and bibliographies. |
1. |  | англ. 83.3(4ВЕЛ) A84 И-15874 (ИНО)
Ashton, R.George Eliot / Rosemary Ashton. - New York : Oxford University Press, [2007]. - 87 p. ; 18 см. - (VIP: Very Interesting People ; 2). - Includes bibliographical references (p. 83) and index. - ISBN 978-0-19-921551-1 : 220.00 р. Перевод заглавия: Джордж Элиот
In this study the author Rosemary Ashton hopes to bring into focus the unusual qualities George Eliot possessed in addition to that of shocking her contemporaries with her private arrangements – her leaderness, her command of several languages, her move away from orthodox religion, her interest in philosophy, science, history, and English and European literature. The author’s aim is to show the continuity of her intellectual, imaginative, and narrative skills from her early letters and reviews to the novels themselves. | 2. |  | англ. 83.3(4ВЕЛ) B98 И-15885 (ИНО)
Butler, M.Jane Austen / Marilyn Butler. - New York : Oxford University Press, [2007]. - 119 p. ; 18 см. - (VIP: Very Interesting People ; 13). - ISBN 978-0-19-921760-1 : 220.00 р. Перевод заглавия: Джейн Остин
Interest in Jane Austen has never been greater, but it is revitalized by the advent of feminist literary history. In this book Professor Butler argues that Austen herself lived in contentious times. Like Wordsworth and Coleridge, she served her literary apprenticeship in the 1790s, the decade of the Terror and the Napoleonic Wars, an era in England of polemic and hysteria. Political partisanship shaped the novel of her youth, in content, form, and style. Austen's works critique the novels of sensibility of the second half of the 18th century and are part of the transition to 19th-century realism. Her plots, though fundamentally comic, highlight the dependence of women on marriage to secure social standing and economic security. Her works, though usually popular, were first published anonymously and brought her little personal fame and only a few positive reviews during her lifetime. The second half of the 20th century saw a proliferation of Austen scholarship and the emergence of a Janeite fan culture. | 3. |  | англ. 83.3(4ВЕЛ) C18 И-15884 (ИНО)
Campbell, G.John Milton / Gordon Campbell. - New York : Oxford University Press, [2007]. - 108 p. ; 18 см. - (VIP: Very Interesting People ; 12). - ISBN 978-0-19-921761-8 : 253.00 р. Перевод заглавия: Джон Мильтон
John Milton's poetry and prose reflect deep personal convictions, a passion for freedom and self-determination, and the urgent issues and political turbulence of his day. Writing in English, Latin, Greek, and Italian, he achieved international renown within his lifetime, and his celebrated Areopagitica — written in condemnation of pre-publication censorship—is among history's most influential and impassioned defenses of free speech and freedom of the press. | 4. |  | англ. 83.3(4ВЕЛ) S67 И-15875 (ИНО)
Slater, M.Charles Dickens / Michael Slater. - New York : Oxford University Press, [2007]. - 111 p. ; 18 см. - (VIP: Very Interesting People ; 3). - ISBN 978-0-19-921352-8 : 222.00 р. Перевод заглавия: Чарльз Дикенс
In this study Michael Slater has tried to tell the story of Dickens’s life within strict limits as to space by focusing primarily (after a short account of Dickens’s childhood, youth and early manhood) upon the story of his books…at all stages of their progress. Thus the emphasis falls upon Dickens’s career as a phenomenally productive and popular writer, both of fiction and non-fiction, while as much attention as possible is also paid to the main events in his personal life, as well as to his crowded and richly-documented social life, his astoundingly extensive and unremitting charitable activities, and his hugely successful second career as a public reader of his own works. | 5. |  | англ. 92:83.3(4ВЕЛ) C74 И-15899 (ИНО)
The Concise Oxford Companion to English Literature / ed. by Margaret Drabble, Jenny Stringer. - Second edition. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2003. - 720 p. ; 20 см. - (Oxford paperback reference). - ISBN 0-19-860559-5 : 363.00 р. - ISBN 978-0-19-860559-1 : 363.00 р. Перевод заглавия: Краткий оксфордский справочник по английской литературе
Based on the sixth edition of Oxford Companion to English Literature, this edition in Oxford's series of paperback reference works packs a great deal of authoritative information into its smaller format. It is intended for students and general readers of British literature, not literature in English around the world. It emphasizes novelists, poets, dramatists, and their works, with some representation of other kinds of writers (journalists, critics, historians, biographers, etc.). Descriptive, not evaluative, its entries provide plot summaries for major works, characters, selected international authors, literary movements and theory. The editors compress most entries and judiciously omit some obscure material and most cross-references. The edition is best as a handbook for undergraduate students, and useful in circulating collections or small libraries. | 6. |  | англ. 83.3(4ВЕЛ) T99 И-15810 (ИНО)
Tyler, J. E. A.The Complete Tolkien companion / J. E. A. Tyler ; illustrations by Kevin Reilly. - London : Pan Books, 2002. - XI, 713, [1] p. ; 20 см. - ISBN 0 330 41165 9 : 535.20 р. Перевод заглавия: Полное руководство по Толкиену
For all those who journey to Middle Earth, here is the complete guide to its lands, legends, histories, languages, and people. The Complete Tolkien Companion explains, translates, and links every single reference—names, dates, places, facts, famous weapons, even food and drink—to be found in J. R. R. Tolkien's world, which includes not only The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings but also The Simarillion and many other posthumously published works. A detailed explanation of the various Elvish writing systems, together with maps, charts, and genealogical tables, bring the remarkable genius of Tolkien and the unforgettable world and wonder of Middle Earth to life with focus and accuracy. First published in 1976, this is an indispensable accompaniment for anyone who embarks on the reading journey of a lifetime. | | | Daniel Defoe // Schoolenglish. - 2010. - N 3 (March). - С. 22-23 : ил.
| |  | Great Authors // English = Английский язык. - 2011. - N 7 (1-15, April). - С. 32-33 : il. - (Alphabetical Journey = Путешествие по алфавиту).
| | | John Galsworthy // Schoolenglish. - 2010. - N 9 (September) : ил. - (Author! Author! = Автора! Автора!).
| | | Oscar Wilde // Schoolenglish. - 2010. - N 8 (August). - С. 22-23 : ил. - (Author! Author! = Автора! Автора!).
| | | Robert Burns // Schoolenglish. - 2010. - N 5 (May). - С. 22-23 : ил. - (Author! Author! = Автора! Автора!).
| | | Rowling, Joanne / M. Deeva // English. - 2012. - N 1. -С. 40 : ил. - (Alphabetical journey = Алфавитное путешествие).